Southern Shore Area

Programs: Southern Shore Area

K-2 Co-ed

About our K - Gr.2 Co-Ed Program 

Start your son or daughter's basketball experience off the right way. Our balanced approach between skill development and games is a proven formula for success.

The goal is for your child to begin a life long involvement with sport/basketball with this fun and challenging program. Our unique 'Wipe it Away-Next Play' technique is a great tool for athletes, teaching them patience and persistence. 

It's very important that your son or daughter use the correct size basketball to optimize development, especially for shooting. Their age group should use a size 5 or 27.5 depending on the brand.

Family discounts available, contact for discount code to enter prior to registering.

Funding resources:

Fall Semester:

Program details: Max 24 athletes 

Location: Bay Bulls Regional Lifestyle Centre

Duration: 8 weeks

Start Date: Monday, March 17, 2025

End Date: Monday, May 12, 2025
Session Time:


$115.00 + HST (already has a t'shirt and ball)

$130.00 + HST (includes a t'shirt)

$145.00 + HST (includes a t'shirt and ball)

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U10 Girls

About our U10 Girls Program - Born 2015-2016

Start your daughter's basketball experience off the right way. Our balanced approach between skill development and games is a proven formula for success.

The goal is for your child to begin a life long involvement with sport/basketball with this fun and challenging program. Our unique 'Wipe it Away-Next Play' technique is a great tool for athletes, teaching them patience and persistence. 

It's very important that your daughter use the correct size basketball to optimize development, especially for shooting.  Their age group should use a size 5 or 27.5 depending on the brand.  If you do not have the correct size you can purchase one through me by selecting the correct option on the registration page.

The U10 program will participate in the House League which will run from Oct - early May.   The club fees will be divided into two semesters, Fall and Winter/Spring.

Family discounts available, contact for discount code to enter upon registering.

Funding resources:

Winter/Spring Semester:

Program details: Max 24 athletes  per session

Location:  Bay Bulls Regional Lifestyle Centre

Duration: 16 weeks

Start Date: Mon, Jan 13, 2025

End Date: Mon, May 5, 2025
Session Time:  6:30-7:45pm

(No training on April 21 due to Easter holidays)


$275.00 + HST

If you require a uniform you can purchase it through the online store on the website...

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U12 Girls

About our U12 Girls Program - Born 2013-2014

Start your daughter's basketball experience off the right way. Our balanced approach between skill development and games is a proven formula for success.

The goal is for your child to begin a life long involvement with sport/basketball with this fun and challenging program. Our unique 'Wipe it Away-Next Play' technique is a great tool for athletes, teaching them patience and persistence. 

It's very important that your daughter use the correct size basketball to optimize development, especially for shooting.  Their age group should use a size 5 or 27.5 depending on the brand.  If you do not have the correct size you can purchase one through me by selecting the correct option on the registration page.

Program Details:

 The U12 program will participate in the Club League which will run from Oct to the end of April.  The fees will be divided into two semesters, Fall and Winter/Spring.  When registering, choose the  skills session that best works for you, either Paul Reynolds or Bay Bulls.  If for some reason you are not able to make a session you can reach out to me and make it up at another session.

Club Provincials are May 2-4, 2025 for C and D Divisions, May 23-25, 2025 for A and B Division

Family discounts available, contact for discount code prior to registering.  You can not apply it after the fact.

Funding resources:

Winter/Spring Semester:

Practice Time:

Team 1 - Sundays 9:00-10:15 am - Waterford Valley High/Roncalli Elem

Team 2 - Wednesdays 5:45-7:00pm - Kenmount Terrace Community Centre

Team 3 and 4 - 7:00-8:15pm - Kenmount Terrace Community Centre

Skills Session(open to all players):

Start Date:  Jan 11, 2025

End Date:  May 10, 2025

Saturdays: 1:00-2:30pm

Location: Paul Reynolds Community Centre

No training Apr 19 due to Easter Holidays.

Skills Session(open to all players):

Start Date: Jan 13, 2025

End Date:  May 12, 2025

Mondays: 7:45-9:15pm

Location: Bay Bulls Regional Lifestyle Centre

No training on Apr 21 due to Easter Holidays.


$475.00 + HST  - twice a week and includes training and Club Provincials.

If you require a uniform you can purchase it through the online store on the website...

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Skills Training

About our Skills Training Program

This program is designed to work on your overall skill development.  Parents ask me all the time about their son or daughter's confidence.  "Susie" has no confidence when she plays. Confidence is a bi-product of having the skill set to perform the task you are attempting to do.  Imagine sitting down to a piano and being asked to play Mozart when you don't even know what the keys are? 

The fundamentals of shooting, ball handling(not just dribbling), passing with pressure, etc are all skills that will be taught in this program.  The better you become at performing these skills, the more confidence you will have on the court. 

The first portion of the session will solely focus on the fundamental skills and the remainder of the session will focus on a games approach.  Putting the skills they learn into a game like situation.  You can be the best shooter or ball handler in the world without anyone guarding you, but the key is to be able to make the correct decisions when there is chaos. 

This program is for those who want to work hard and be challenged.  #nextlevelattitude#sweaten'buckets

We are excited to announce that the skills programs will be lead by Coach Angela Torraville.

Family discounts available, contact for discount code to enter upon registering.

Funding resources:

Program details: Max 20 athletes 

Location: Bay Bulls Regional Lifestyle Centre

U12 and U14 Co-ed Skills Training

Postponed at this time

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Southern Shore area Registration

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